On Board 意思
Fob 的英文全文為 free on board ,中文意思為船上交貨(或稱為離岸價),是指賣方將貨物出貨到船上後,由買方承擔貨物的費用、風險、損壞等,通常用在海運上,在美國也會使用此名詞. “not everyone on the team. Go by the board (桅杆)折断落于船外;破产; (努力等)落空; (计划)成泡影,失败。. There are two restaurants on board ship.

on board 意思. With all passengers on board, the stationmaster blew the whistle and the train left the station. 」的意思 🤝 ,是一種 狀態 而不是動作,通常會搭配動詞用作 come on board 。. Fob 的英文全文為 free on board ,中文意思為船上交貨(或稱為離岸價),是指賣方將貨物出貨到船上後,由買方承擔貨物的費用、風險、損壞等,通常用在海運上,在美國也會使用此名詞. Board of education 〔英國〕教育部〔現改名 the ministry of education〕; board of education (一般的)教育委員會;〔美國〕 (. 入伙~~。 朗文词典里给出的含义是: involved with something or working for an organization. When all the people were on board, the boat.
“Not Everyone On The Team.
這個 all aboard 是固定的用法,所以不能換成 all on board。. 劍橋字典上的定義是:as part of a group or team, especially for a special purpose. 」的意思 🤝 ,是一種 狀態 而不是動作,通常會搭配動詞用作 come on board 。.
On A Boat, Train, Or Aircraft…。 了解更多。 詞典
1.“we spent the last two nights on. Be on the board ① 在船,飞机上 ② 明白理解 ; Free on board 【商业】船上交货,离岸价格 (略作 fob 或 f.o.b.)。.
Go By The Board (桅杆)折断落于船外;破产; (努力等)落空; (计划)成泡影,失败。.
There are two restaurants on board ship. With all passengers on board, the stationmaster blew the whistle and the train left the station. Go on the boards 当演员。.
Board And [By, On] Board (船)并排。.
入伙~~。 朗文词典里给出的含义是: involved with something or working for an organization. Board of education 〔英國〕教育部〔現改名 the ministry of education〕; board of education (一般的)教育委員會;〔美國〕 (. Riding on or in a ship, train, airplane, etc.
When All The People Were On Board, The Boat.
Fob 的英文全文為 free on board ,中文意思為船上交貨(或稱為離岸價),是指賣方將貨物出貨到船上後,由買方承擔貨物的費用、風險、損壞等,通常用在海運上,在美國也會使用此名詞. As part of a group or team, especially for a special purpose: